Sunday, February 8, 2009


I came to school that morning feeling frustrated and awkward.I don't know why,but for some reasons, I should walked out from that school immediately.You see, I got suspended for one week.All of this because of my stupidity! I made a mistake and yes , I do learned my lessons.But no one seems to understand my situation.People started to judged me and talked behind my back. Fine!They can judged me but they don't know who I really was.All this thing drive me crazy.As if they were all perfect.The moment I made my way to the classroom, everyone paused and stare at me.Some of them welcomed my appearance and most of them said 'this' and 'that'.I almost cried but I hold my self together.I don't know what exactly came over me, I wished I was homeschool.Being left behind,no one seems to understand you even your closest friends.I can't stand what I'm hearing and seeing all this thing running through my head.Home was the first thing I could ever think of when I was in school.Everyday I would glance my watched anxiously. This year would be a tough year fot me and I won't even look back. I won't let those amateur pushed me back.I once made a huge mistake and whenever I think about it I wanted to cried because of my stupidity in the previous time.I don't know why I was acting that way.It took me about two months to recovered all this messed and it still haunting me.If you were in my situation then you know what it feels.No lights were given to you,the path to the light cannot be reached and you have to find it on your owned and lit it back .'Wake up and smell the coffee' ,my brother said to me . Thanks to him, I will follow his footsteps .My brother,Lester, has been my idol since I was kid. I adore him.I will guarentee this year I will improve my grades .Everyday I go to school and walked out from that school.That's it! I'm in and got myself out.I coudn't careless about what people would said about me.And most importantly, I feel very very hapy and through with all those 'stuff''.In fact ,all this thing opened my mind and gave the path negative and positive..Why I kept whining all this stuff? STUPID..